January 27, 2013 in Announcements
The market for Software Engineers has grown in such leaps and bounds and we have been busier than ever. The need for Embedded Software Engineers has never been higher and we have many job requests by our customers for these type engineers!
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January 26, 2013 in Announcements
The competition for top talent will continue to increase as the job market improves. Most hiring authorities have been in the driver’s seat for the past two years and have not had to sell their opportunity or company. This is not reflective of today’s reality.
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January 23, 2013 in Announcements
Our Customers are constantly asking us why they are not seeing many qualified candidates for their posted positions. The answer is quite simple; talented and qualified candidates are now employed. Companies are doing a much better job of making employee satisfaction and retention a high priority.
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January 22, 2013 in Announcements
The fourth quarter gets a bum rap when it comes to hiring, but if you're a job seeker, you shouldn't completely discount the final months of the year. December could even be the best time of year to start looking for a job. There are still the same number of jobs open, but actually less candidates looking because people are busy gearing up for the holidays.
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